In the second, more difficult to industry leads think about, we must face a future without origins, a radically new situation, which we discover at the same time that it is established. We can apply these two ways of understanding the event to the two realities that I have industry leads mentioned: the crisis in publishing activity and the digitization of society. The bookstore and publishing crisis refers to a series of both structural and conjunctural transformations that industry leads occurred in the world of books before covid-19. Structurally, as we know, before this event, the fragility of bookstores resulted from competition from online sales ,
In particular from the giant industry leads Amazon, and high rental prices in the cities, a difficulty increased by the very limited profitability of the book business. The covid-19 happened then in a world in which the number of bookstores had decreased everywhere. In industry leads Paris, 350 bookstores closed from 2000 to 2019two. Libraries , the book by Jorge industry leads Carrión, is a kind of anthology of these disappearances3. A fragility prior to the paroxysmal crisis can also be found in the field of publishing, here with deeper roots in the processes of concentration,
Whose most fundamental result industry leads was the imposition of marketing logic at the expense of editorial logic itself. We can remember the expression of Jérôme Lindon, and after André Schiffrin: the edition without editors4. "Without publishers" industry leads because the decisions of publishers are linked to what those who deal with the marketing of books perceive and not to an editorial policy based on intellectual, aesthetic or ideological industry leads preferences. The disappearance in many companies of the figure of the proofreader could be linked to this issue of publishing without editors or without editing.